LG Tribute Empire vs Royal vs Dynasty – lmx220pm vs lmx320pm vs sp200

The nomenclature of the recent tribute series smartphones gives a feeling that they are the flagship devices. What comes to your mind after hearing Dynasty, Empire, and Royal? However, in reality, they fall at the bottom of the ladder. LG Tribute series offers budget smartphones with the bare basic features.

In this post, we are going to find whether the latest entrant in the series, Tribute royal is a true successor of Empire or not. Whether you should upgrade from Empire or stick with it for some more time.

First of all, we are going to find out the differences and later one we are going to cover the similarities between the 3.

So, Let’s start with the differences –

Difference Between LG Tribute Empire, Tribute Royal & Tribute Dynasty

LG Tribute Empire vs Royal vs Dynasty
LG Tribute Empire, Royal & Dynasty – Front

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